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click filename to download it

iconset for windows

icons_01.zip (includes icons_01.icl)
0005 KB | preview | 16 color (system palette) iconset for windows
icons_02.zip (includes icons_02.icl)
0003 KB | preview | additonal iconset for icons_01.icl
icons_11.zip (includes icons_11.icl)
0004 KB | preview | 16 color (system palette) iconset for windows

iconset for application

0077 KB | preview | 16 color (system palette) iconset for Donut P

application skins

0015 KB | preview | skin for Sound Player Lilith - military
0030 KB | preview | skin for Sound Player Lilith - generation fc
0016 KB | preview | skin for Sound Player Lilith - old window

wallpapers (zipped bitmap)

das spiel reich: the girl
0274 KB | preview | download | 0800x0600 pixels
0608 KB | preview | download | 1280x0960 pixels
0728 KB | preview | download | 1600x1200 pixels
das spiel reich: mister advance
0204 KB | preview | download | 0800x0600 pixels
0449 KB | preview | download | 1280x0960 pixels
0592 KB | preview | download | 1600x1200 pixels

game for windows (made with HSP)

kinoko or die for windows (kod_20050303.zip)
0504 KB | preview | transplatformed mini-game from a certain PS1 software
bound (bound_20050225.zip)
0360 KB | preview | keep on jumping. only it.