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das spiel reich - web comic

every update scheduled on mon/wed/friday capriciously

20060124 - Arrested


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Horiemon? Tastes good? I'm ignorant of the world, yeah. :P

Have I forgotten the drawing style of the cartoon?
Recently, I don't touch new video games, and I'm not checking for related news. The problem concerning the directionality of the story of this cartoon might be the biggest problem for me.

However, I'll draw something if there's a person who calls my cartoon.
Today, James wrote in my guest book.
His website (Lost in scanlation) is written in Japanese and English though probably he's a Taiwanese.
Correction: He's an Australian. I saw his mail address and thought he's Taiwanese. Sorry.

There are pages of Wiki, translation and news etc. concerning Manga.
I feel admiration for his language ability and inquiring mind.
So I think I must keep learning more, and drawing good pictures.


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